Have you been hit with hail in Denver or the surrounding area? According to reports, hail-related losses have risen by almost 25%.

If you’ve sustained hail damage, you need to act quickly. Working with your insurance company can be difficult at the best of times, and the more time that elapses, the harder it may be to get the settlement you deserve for repairing your property.

Stop stressing and follow this step-by-step process to filing an insurance claim for Denver hail damage so you get the coverage you deserve.

Step 1: Assess the Damage

The first step in filing an insurance claim for Denver hail damage is to assess the extent of the damage to your roof. Hail stones can become as big as grapefruit, and cause severe damage to roof structures. Including:

  • Dented or missing shingles
  • Cracks
  • Leaks
  • Structural damage

It’s important to thoroughly inspect your roof and document any visible signs of damage.

Start by visually examining your roof from the ground and look for obvious signs of hail damage such as dented or dislodged shingles. If you feel comfortable and it is safe to do so, you can also climb up to the roof and inspect it up close.

In addition to a visual inspection, it’s a good idea to document the damage by taking photographs or videos. This visual evidence will serve as proof when filing your insurance claim.

If you’re unsure about the extent of the damage or don’t feel comfortable inspecting your roof yourself, it’s advisable to hire a professional roofing contractor. Roofing professionals have expertise in identifying hail damage and can provide a detailed report on the condition of your roof. Their assessment can be instrumental in supporting your insurance claim.

Keep in mind that it’s essential to assess the damage promptly after a hailstorm. Waiting too long to document and report the damage may result in your insurance company questioning the validity of the claim.

Step 2: Review Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy

Before proceeding with your claim, it’s crucial to review your homeowner’s insurance policy. Understanding the coverage and exclusions related to hail damage will help you navigate the claims process more effectively and ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Start by locating your policy documents and reviewing the sections that specifically address hail damage and roof repairs. Pay close attention to the deductible, which is the amount you are responsible for paying out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. You should also familiarize yourself with the coverage limits for roof repairs and any specific requirements for filing a hail damage claim.

It’s worth noting that homeowner’s insurance policies can vary in their coverage for hail damage. Some policies provide full coverage for roof repairs, while others may only cover a portion of the costs or have stricter limitations. Understanding your policy’s terms will give you a clear idea of what to expect in terms of coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Step 3: Contact Your Insurance Company

Once you have assessed the damage and reviewed your insurance policy, it’s time to contact your insurance company to initiate the claims process.

When contacting your insurance company, be prepared to provide detailed information about the hailstorm and the extent of the damage. Provide the date and time of the hailstorm, the location of the property, and a description of the damage incurred. It’s helpful to have your homeowner’s insurance policy number on hand for reference.

During the initial call, the insurance company will likely assign a claims adjuster to your case. The claims adjuster is responsible for assessing the damage and determining the amount of compensation you are eligible to receive. The adjuster will guide you through the necessary steps and provide further instructions on how to proceed.

Take note of the claim number provided by your insurance company. This number acts as a reference and should be used whenever you communicate with the insurance company regarding your claim.

Step 4: Schedule an Insurance Adjuster’s Visit

After you file your claim, your insurance company will assign an insurance adjuster to assess the extent of the damage to your roof. The adjuster will contact you to schedule a visit to your property for a thorough inspection.

During the insurance adjuster’s visit, make sure to point out all the areas of damage that you have identified. Provide any supporting evidence, such as photographs or videos, that you have gathered during your assessment. It’s also advisable to have a contractor present during the inspection to ensure a fair assessment of the damage and to answer any technical questions the adjuster may have.

The insurance adjuster will evaluate the damage to your roof and determine the compensation you are eligible for based on your policy coverage and the severity of the damage. They may also take into consideration estimates from roofing contractors, so it’s important to have those available to provide if requested.

After the inspection, the insurance adjuster will prepare an estimate for the cost of repairs based on their findings. This estimate will serve as the basis for the settlement offer from the insurance company.

Step 5: Obtain Roof Repair Estimates

While waiting for the insurance adjuster’s visit and assessment, it’s a good idea to obtain repair estimates from reputable roofing contractors. These estimates will give you a better understanding of the scope of the repairs required and the associated costs. Additionally, having multiple estimates can help validate your claim and ensure you are getting a fair price.

When seeking repair estimates, be sure to contact professional roofing contractors with a proven track record of quality workmanship. Ask for detailed written estimates that outline the materials needed, labor costs, and any additional charges or fees. The estimates should reflect the necessary repairs to restore your roof to its pre-hail damage condition.

Having multiple estimates is beneficial because it allows you to compare prices and ensures that you are not being overcharged for the work. Keep in mind that insurance companies may also request these estimates as part of the claims process, so saving them and providing copies to your adjuster can help support your case and potentially lead to a higher settlement offer.

Step 6: Negotiate with Your Insurance Company

After the insurance adjuster completes their assessment, you may receive a settlement offer from your insurance company. It’s essential to carefully review the offer and compare it to the repair estimates you have obtained. If the settlement offer seems inadequate or does not cover the full scope of necessary repairs, don’t hesitate to negotiate with your insurance company.

Begin by providing your insurance company with the repair estimates and any other relevant documentation that supports your claim for additional compensation. Point out any discrepancies or differences between their assessment and the estimates from roofing contractors. Be prepared to explain why you believe the initial settlement offer is inadequate and provide a counterargument for a higher settlement amount.

Step 7: Approve the Settlement and Schedule Repairs

Once you have reached an agreement with your insurance company, it’s time to approve the settlement and schedule the necessary repairs. Thoroughly review the settlement agreement provided by your insurance company and make sure you understand the terms and conditions outlined within it.

Are You Filing an Insurance Claim for Denver Hail Damage?

Filing an insurance claim for Denver hail damage can be daunting but following these detailed steps can ease the process. Understanding your policy before filing, obtaining a professional evaluation, and thorough documentation of any damage are key.

Would you like to get a repair quote from Colorado’s best roofing company? Contact us today.